sunnudagur, febrúar 24, 2008

John Pilger fjallar um þegar Palestínumenn rufu múrinn á Gaza og fordæmið sem það setur í áframhaldandi baráttu fyrir niðurrifi veraldlegra og huglægra múra í grein sinni,Bringing down the new Berlin Walls.

Hann fjallar líka um sjónarspil í forsetakosningunum í Bandaríkjunum, en hann hefur fjallað um þær margar í greininni The dance macabre of US-style democracy

...What struck me, living and working in the United States, was that presidential campaigns were a parody, entertaining and often grotesque. They are a ritual danse macabre of flags, balloons and bullshit, designed to camouflage a venal system based on money power, human division and a culture of permanent war....


...Nothing has changed. Barack Obama is a glossy Uncle Tom who would bomb Pakistan. Hillary Clinton, another bomber, is anti-feminist. John McCain’s one distinction is that he has personally bombed a country. They all believe the US is not subject to the rules of human behaviour, because it is "a city upon a hill", regardless that most of humanity sees it as a monumental bully which, since 1945, has overthrown 50 governments, many of them democracies, and bombed 30 nations, destroying millions of lives..

Lag dagsins: A Change Is Gonna Come með Sam Cooke.

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