Uri Avnery skifar öfluga grein um nýliðna atburði þar sem Ísraelar myrtu 4 palestínska fyrrum vígamenn í Betlehem og einn í Tulkam og hvernig þeir eru með því að stofna möguleikum um vopnahlé í hættu, en eldflaugaárásum frá Gaza hafði fækkað úr rúmlega 12 á dag í 2. Greinin nefnist "I Came, I Saw, I Destroyed"
...THE BETHLEHEM killing raises a number of hard questions, but with very few exceptions, the media did not voice them. They shirk their duty, as usual when it concerns "security" problems.
Real journalists in a real democratic state would have asked the following questions:
1.Who was it who decided on the executions in Bethlehem - Ehud Olmert? Ehud Barak? The Shin Bet? All of them? None of them?
2.Did the decision-makers understand that by condemning the militants in Bethlehem to death, they were also condemning to
death any residents of Sderot or Ashkelon who might be killed by the rockets launched in revenge?
3.Did they understand that they were also boxing the ears of Mahmoud Abbas, whose security forces, which in theory are in charge of Bethlehem, would be accused of collaborating with the Israeli death-squad?
4.Was the real aim of the action to undermine the cease-fire that had come about in practice in the Gaza Strip (and the reality of which was official denied both by Olmert and Barak, even while the number of rockets launched fell from dozens a day to just two or three?)
5.Does the Israeli government generally object to a cease-fire that would free Sderot and Ashkelon from the threat of the rockets?
If so, why?...
mánudagur, mars 17, 2008
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