Þennan dag árið 1854 fæddist Oscar Wilde.
I like hearing myself talk. It's one of my greatest pleasures. I often have long conversations all by myself, and I'm so clever that sometimes I don't understand a single word of what I'm saying.
Varð mér þá einnig hugsað til eftirminnlegs samtals úr Blackadder. Edmund Blacadder getur átt yfir höfði sér dauðadóm og ætlar sér að fá Mattingbird, færasta lögmann Englands sem verjanda sinn. Minnist hann einnig færni Mattingbird sem saksóknara. Hér fylgir samtal Blackadder við fangavörð sinn:
Edmund: Yes, well, look at Oscar Wilde.
Perkins: Oh, butch, Oscar.
Edmund: A big, bearded, bonking, butch Oscar. The terror of the ladies. 114 illegitamate children, world heavyweight boxing champion, and author of the best-selling phamplet, "Why I Like To Do It With Girls". Mattingburg had him sent down for being a whoopsie.
sunnudagur, október 16, 2005
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